The Planet Colorscheme logo, identical to the Planet pquirrel logo planet colorscheme

Planet is a colorscheme which I personally use for most of my projects. It is a colorscheme that has proven to work well for the creative projects I've done in the past few years. It intends to be a set of colors which can be used on their own, but also modified to create something unique.

Full Color List

Color Hex Code HSV
229, 43, 44
226, 39, 16
226, 68, 10
225, 15, 10
223, 16, 18
227, 16, 23
231, 15, 33
229, 15, 41
227, 15, 49
230, 13, 56
231, 4, 63
222, 5, 78
222, 5, 100
222, 13, 100
222, 26, 100
222, 55, 100
221, 65, 100
240, 55, 100
263, 55, 100
337, 55, 100
347, 64, 97
0, 55, 100
23, 55, 100
50, 53, 100
97, 55, 100
120, 55, 100
145, 55, 100