Here is some of the stuff that I've made over the years. Some of it is large projects that I've worked on for quite a while, others are smaller things that I may have made over a short period.
My most successful piece of software, Library is a custom theme for the Pegasus Frontend, one which over the years has become polished and full of features.
A software that tries to make it easy to aggregate data from LaunchBox and ScreenScraper to get box art and other metadata for your games. My first major piece of software.
A tasks/notes app which I initially made as a replacement for Google Calendar. Not that functional, as it's full of bugs, but it is probably my best looking app with the best looking website of my projects (that doesn't even use any framework!). It also uses React Native.
A game inspired by the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series on DS. Made in about a week, but remains my best game project.
A game that I finished very recently after not touching it for a few months. It's the classic game of Set, but with computer opponents and a speedrun mode.
The very same website you're reading this on right now. Check the about section for more information.
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